Tuesday 11 February 2014

The first race of the Season is less than 3 weeks away or is it?

PowerWatts Training

PowerWatts Training with Coach Rhys every Sunday

As we watch the Sochi Winter Olympics, I am reminded the first official DHMB race is scheduled for the beginning of March. Frostbike at Silver Star in beautiful Vernon British Columbia. The racers get a snowcat ride up the hill and a bike ride down. No studs allowed...well tire studs that is. This will be our first winter race experience. Of course, we aren't racing, Gingersnap is. We are there to experience the pre- and apres bike race activities and of course support Gingersnap.
So just what is PowerWatts? From their website:

PowerWatts™ is a training system used to optimize cycling performance and fitness.  This “system” consists of an integration of proprietary hardware, software and interval matrix’s used to challenge the most seasoned athlete’s in a fun, dynamic environment.
PowerWatts™ has been refined and optimized over the last 20 years by applied exercise physiologists and coaches to allow athletes of all levels to train to their potential. This unique system prescribes, stores and analyses training data to allow for each rider to work at their own specific level. 

It looks easy until you take a 2 week Christmas break. The first day back the boys barely kept their breakfasts in their belly. So no pun attended but what does it look like to a completely green outsider? It is a very technologically advanced stationary bike training program. Beyond that I can't say much more. After an hour on the bike, Gingersnap is warmed up and is walking out side in the -22c weather in shorts and t-shirt claiming that its a bit chilly. Meanwhile I'm freezing in my parka. B~

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